Wednesday, February 29, 2012


A world engulfed in flames
Riding on a winged chariot
Flying o'er the plains 
Where rivers flow in quiet

Orange, red, and yellow 
Purple sky, setting sun
Earth passing quickly below
From cloud to cloud we run

Unearthing God's Presence
From sea to shining sea
Shining ocean fluorescence
Waters moonlit brilliantly

The shadow passes
The darkness trembles
At the glorious masses
As God's family assembles

Shining army on water
Dazzling lights unquenchable
Unsheathed swords do not falter
Vengeance unshakable

A cry for true justice
Sweeping across the nation
Ravaging evil's existence
Restoring the peaceful garden

Where all around is bliss
Hope springs into fountains
Love plants its beautiful kiss
Grace runs down the mountains


Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Opposite of Escape

The work clock ticks
As the hammers fall
Sweat drips down
As hours pass by


Earning wages
Worshiping God
A smile filled with joy
A handshake of a friend 


The gold catches your eye
The treasure no one knew
The peace deep within
Under people's thoughts


A gracious masterful stroke
Vibrant colors run about
Where the earthly mind stops
And heaven's gates open


An embrace of a lover
The smile of a child
A day of a thousand moments
That move you to tears



Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Fire Behind His Eyes

The Pearl Gates opened
Angels all around
Trumpets resound
Elders knees did bend

The Throne seated high
River flows out
Shining gems all about
My spirit did fly

He stood at my presence
Firey gaze
Eyes ablaze
Honor for my entrance

Shocked but filled with glee
Why He stands for me?

Looking into those eyes
Endless peace
Hope release
I begin as fear dies


Thursday, February 16, 2012

Of Love and Armor

Whispers in the wilderness
Wings invisible
A hand reaches down
To lift you to your feet
Shields will block arrows
Boots do stop a thorn
But love will ignite your being
Consuming those around you


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Slave No More

Glowing lamps unknown
Beauty that's never shown
A life of chains and fears
Injustice shed's God's tears
The earth trembles and groans
Aches for these buried treasures
A slave their master owns
Bought and sold with measures

Hope glistens with the dawn
One day chains will be gone
When will that glorious day
Arrive as it may
When freedom breaks the prison
And will is reclaimed
Spirits and hearts risen
Life and love sustained

Endless nightmare transformed
The gates of hell stormed
Chariots of fire ride
Death and light collide
To rip the helpless soul
From and evil slaveowner
To give them a life that's full
Show them no one can own her

The soldiers of heaven 
Must unite as breathren
To destroy this fortress
Take back the helpless
What evil does need
For good to be complacent
The grave then will succeed
Souls trapped in confinement

No, I say! No! No!
I want you slaves to know
Saints pray for you this day
In chains you will not stay
You are not forgotten
You have been given a voice
We'll fight for you often
Until you can rejoice


Silent Worshipers

The trees sing their near silent song
As the voice of the wind does blow
The sight traversing generations
Creeks in their bows.

They stand and worship God
While watching busy people pass by
What profound philosophy might one gain
To observe many generations but remain still?

Be still and know that I AM GOD.
The forests understand such commands
Do we?

Their hands work not
But they remain well fed
Their faith unwavering even in drought
Drops of the heavens fall in time

Strike one and it will still provide shade
Remove it and carve it
Then a table and chairs are yours

A noble creation of beauty
Whose green does color the earth
Watching, waiting, growing, praising


Secrets of the Universe

There is a vastness in the night sky
A sea of tranquil silence

Unexplored stars and planets
Artistic displays more vast than we can imagine

Hidden at distant corners of the universe
Are secrets God created

It is the glory of kings to search a matter
And the glory of God to conceal

For deep in the recesses of His heart
Lies eternal treasures of greatness

Creativity beyond reconning
Where God's dreams lie

You see, He dreamed about you in ages past.
He waited for what seemed an eternity just to look at your face

He waited in anticipation for you to be born and grow
His heart lept with joy when you came into this world

Now a God who loves you more than life
Pursues you with beautiful colors and melodies

The orange and red of autumn
Are His chasing you with love

And when the suspended diamonds of the night
Shine their distant secrets into our world

It is God bringing love to you
From distant galaxies in outer space


Sunday, February 12, 2012

Dancing with Angels

Rapid sounds of chariot wheels
Flashes of light and swords
Eyes of fire and glory
Naying of horses in reigns

Demons' faces turned to pancakes
Under the weight of golden shields
Soldiers of fire leaving wakes of peace
Devotion for thousands of years
A generationless race
Of seldom seen warriors

Large men come to your aid
When crises do occur

Unbound by physics
Swiftness in fire
Surpassing speeds undetectable to us

The film did once appear
That elusive transparency
But clarity deeper than words
Laid its hand on my heart
Then fire and vision
Broke down walls
That no one sees

Flashing breastplate of gold
Faces set as flint
A gathering host
As the feet move

So that ocean welling up inside
Courses through melodies
Resounding in rhythmic motion
Tossed by now seen forces
My spirit is with a cloudless sky
The wilderness in lions' eyes
And greatness of eagles' wings
Feet that move in infinite joy
Dancing motions invented
In God's heart eons ago
Now transpire in my body
To bring glory to my King
And beauty to the earth
As heaven's host joins in
