Thursday, November 21, 2013

What a Wonderful Day

It happens.  The world darkens.
You think you can see but the
     clouds get in the way.
A foggy light through cloudy water.
Then beautiful arms reach through
     and grab you.
When you're fighting, clawing, 
     striving, then stop...
They grab you.

And then...
The world stops.
Everything is still. And
     grace envelops you.
The fog clears.
The cloudy water becomes clear.

Then the world brightens.
Peace transfuses chaos.
Inhale slowly, eyes closed,
     head tilted upward, air in through
    the nostrils then back out.
He's here.
God is here!
And He's not going anywhere.


Thursday, November 14, 2013

Honor and Generosity

Of what do I know?
How did this come to be?
Such ways that one could grow
To understand mercy

When hardships befall
And insults are common
A wave engulfs them all
Beyond logic or reason

Kings serving their subjects
Children lifted high
Words that pierce what fear protects
A brighter dawn is nigh

Take the stairs to grow higher
Sacrifice passivity
Refuse the escalator
To achieve tranquility

Notice the little things
The whispers of the pain
The unheard murmurings
People shout inside their brain

Stillness allows you to hear
Souls crying to be cared for
Sorrow of the unshed tear
Wounds buried in their core

When you can grasp at the roots
Feel and heal the brokenness
Find the gold beneath the suits
And melt away loneliness

Then you will have discovered 
The beginnings of honor
Focus on what's uncovered
Gold with worth beyond measure

People do soar higher
Value beyond their thinking
A touch can light them on fire
An ocean of oil burning

Though blinded from the treasure
Most people's eyes are sewn shut
By threads of lies so clever
That weave and wind and curl and cut

Eyes shining with blazing glory
Can see deposits of gold
And rewrite a dark story
Of a heart that has gone cold
