Thursday, December 19, 2013

Silent Potential

A Belgian draft horse alone
Can pull quite substantial weight
But two brought up together
Can pull four times as much freight

Unity binds and builds us
To do the impossible
Hands gripped firmly together
Strength becomes exponential

Invest in one another 
Let love overcome offense
Bring the gold to the surface
Authentic without defense

Minds and passions connected
Stir such powerful forces
A whirlwind that can move earth
Like two united horses


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Thinning Divide

I am walking on the water
What might men now believe
And gaze with stillness and wonder
What might they in this dream perceive?

For this realm transcends our own dirt
Fading into the other side
Where bones and muscles do not hurt
Where angels and demons reside

Blending through the film, I walk on
And through the haze and light and wind
I find myself seated upon
A throne with Christ beyond the end

And then I put one foot forward
And walk upon the weightless waves
Ripples around my toes are blurred
As I follow the One who saves
