Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Match Once Lit

I can feel You in my bones
I can feel Your Presence on me, Jesus
I can feel Your goodness rising up
I can see Your Face
     The fire, the holiness, the purity
The wonder, the glory, the belonging,
     the love that pierces worry and
     melts anxiety
The overwhelming sense that 
     everything will be okay
The fire that envelops
And ignites my bones
So I can burn the world around me
     with a passion that pervades
     the stifling air of boredom and
I am free!


Friday, March 21, 2014

The Artistic Revolution

What happens if we leave passion out of our job?
Show up to work, punch in, punch out,
     go home.
Going through the motions
The cold factory of cogs devoid of art.
We can become marionettes with strings
     we attached to ourselves.
The puppet master called the American Dream
     can pull on the string of a higher 
     standard of living.
But what is a higher standard of living?
Why chase the physical wants of financial
     luxury while forfeiting the need of the
     soul to live with passion in everything
     we do?
We need to bring our art to work.
Whether the craft be connecting with people
     or painting or new business ideas or food,
We must bring a new vitality to the workplace
     with a courage to make things happen.
If you work in a cold factory and feel like
     a replaceable cog, go somewhere that 
     allows you to bring your art that you might
     live with a new fire.


Monday, March 17, 2014

The First Day of Spring

A grace flowing, a peaceful river,
The sun rises along with the flower,
It pours forth its warm rays,
The mountainside is illuminated,
The rolling green hills sway in the breeze,
The wind blows, a soft touch to
     brush the heat off the skin,
A deep, slow inhale,
A satisfied, lingering exhale,
Birds chirp in the distance,
I take your hand as we walk 
     in the grass,
Your dress blowing gently,
Your hair flowing in the wind,
We waltz to the beat of the
The radiant sun warms the earth,
The grass dances,
Not a cloud to be seen,
Blue sky over rolling hills.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Brick, Mortar, and Fire

Brick, mortar, and fire, wind 
and lightning, a churning of hot oil,
a wall building, waves crashing,
rain and hail and lightning, a
boiling up and boiling over,
patient endurance, rushing
wind, holy vengeance, righteous
anger, barbed wire, brick and
mortar and fire, the wall is 
being built, wonder and joy,
a safe place, waves crashing,
hail and rain coming down, pounding
of giant's fists, hammers beating,
cannons firing, brick and mortar
and fire, the wall is built,
an impenetrable wall, guarded by
the eyes of celestial warriors,
guided by the Hand of God,
wonder of wonders, hope and
joy and love, faith like
steel, the mighty, awesome,
wondrous, unspeakable, unshakable,
and unbelievable power of God
