Friday, December 16, 2016

Silent Genocide

Such innocence lost
What beauty and what dreams could have been?
What imagination and talent has never been seen?
The silent genocide of a generation
Does no one care?
Does no one lose sleep over this massacre?
Satan's latest tool to murder the children
For more than 40 years
The unborn have had no voice
And we are waist deep in infants' blood
How did Hitler convince the Nazis that Jews should
     be exterminated?
By considering them less than human
How did early settlers convince others that Native
     Americans should relocate?
By considering them less than human
How did 19th century farmers convince each other
     that black people should be slaves?
By considering them less than human
How have Americans been convinced that murdering
     unborn children is acceptable?
By considering them less than human
Perhaps morality will return to our courts
Perhaps the holocaust of little children will one day
Perhaps that time is soon
Until hell's agenda is overturned,
I will not stop praying
Until all of the voices of the devil's advocates are
     cut down,
I will not stop fighting
How many of them would have been my friends?
How many of them could have been world leaders?
Advocates of the devil say it's a woman's right to 
     choose to murder her child
They say the child will not have a good upbringing
Are they God?
What does the child say?

