Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Breath of Fresh Air

One day it happens
You wake up with a thought
Who am I?
What is beautiful in this world?

Pulling the blinds
You see the clear blue autumn sky over red trees
You can hear the cars drive by and kids
         playing in the street
A few light, wispy white clouds hang in the sky
Birds chirp
Squirrels run about
Stepping outside, you take a deep breath

On this morning, no school or work,
         you discover something
Where there is love, all things are beautiful.*


*A quote from the song 'Where there is love'
by Unhindered

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Those Things

The smile of an old friend
The embrace of a brother or sister
A calm, orange sunrise
Waves lapping on the shore
A baby's yawn
My wife's eyes
A forest of green
A funny joke
The peace of the Spirit
Blooming flowers
Dinner with friends
A fun game
A great book
A raise at work
The midnight sky
That cool, crisp spring air that gently blows
An encouraging word
Holding on to every Word God has spoken
Writing poetry
Dancing wildly
A wonderful meal
Fresh mountain air
A rainy day with good company and 
             plenty of games
The handshake of a proud father
Watching someone light up because you
             said or did something kind to them
A smile
Knowledge that everything is going to be


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

With Great Speed

Traversing this land of greatness
I drink in the green forest
Exotic birds of many colors
A shaded floor in which to rest

Lush green grass and flowers
Bushes with delicious berries
And fruit grows in abundance
Hanging from the trees

As I venture farther in
The canopy grows taller
The height of trees increasing
The tops of trees appear smaller

A canopy thousands of feet high
Tree trunks two hundred feet wide
Huge antelope-like creatures
Gallop by my side

One gives an inviting look
I leap fifteen feet high
To mount the giant antelope
Then I see them draw nigh

Other saints mounted on antelopes
Such a beautiful cavalry
Arrayed in such vibrant colors
Traveling lightly and swiftly

Then we ride towards a clearing
Where all we can see is sky
The ground then ends abruptly
We leap off the ledge and fly

Down, faster, down the cliff
The largest cliff I've ever seen
I can see the ground miles below
A vast sea of blue and green

The wind blowing furiously
As we travel at such great speed
Waterfalls to my left and right
Fish swim up and down as they need

After a long, long descent
We finally reach the ground
The difference is striking
And I hear a beautiful sound

The birds sing such sweet melodies
Flying so fast in great flocks
The trees short with many branches
I see a great beast like an ox

The ground covered in tall daisies
With many rivers flowing
Little animals scurry about
In this land with joy abounding


Friday, May 4, 2012

But a Taste

A moment in time
Splits the universe
A rift in the darkness
Lifting me, drawing me like a vortex
Entering this rift
Colors become extravagant
More vibrancy than I've ever seen
Angels dancing
Joy burning like wildfire
Golden streets
Clouds of glory
Wonder, awe, and power
An utterly bottomless well of peace

Time stops with my memory
As I traverse this rainbow bridge
The stars are so bright
I enter that beautiful room
White light all around
Twenty four elders
Cherubim and Seraphim
A glorious throne
Love that reaches deep
Deep within my spirit
Moved from the depths of who I am
Why would I ever want to leave?
