Monday, March 25, 2013


Beings of eons past
Knowledge of history upon history
Protectors in the wind
What stories might their 
      rustless shields tell?
Of battle in Moses' day,
Of victory in resurrection,
Of light through invisible shadows,
Of fire that burns the spirit,
Of love and wonder and pain,
Of sorrow over God's people,
Of a blood-stained earth that
      God redeemed


Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Through the Cave

While examining the exotic plant life in the jungle, I see a large crystal creature.  It looks similar to a crab, but it has large crystal scales that angle upwards towards the top of its back.  It looks almost like a crystal cone with cracks in it.  It walks on four legs and has two claws.  Its eyes are red, full of passion and courage.  With a look in its eyes, it invites me to follow.  It turns and travels down into a hole in the ground.  I follow and find myself in a cave with gemstones.  Other small creatures crawl on the floor and walls.  The crystal creature walks through the room and stops at a pool of water.  It looks at me to question if I'm willing to swim.  The creature plunges into the water.  I follow and find that I can breathe underwater.  We swim for a distance, seeing other fish pass by.  The tunnel opens into a large underwater chamber.  In the distance, I can see multiple tunnels branching off into all different directions.  We enter through the tunnel that is straight ahead.  After swimming down the tunnel for a while, we exit the water into an open chamber.  There is no water in the chamber.  I look back to see the water suspended by nothing.  I turn the other direction to see giant, golden twin doors.  The crab opens the doors.  A huge, grassy meadow leads into a mountain with snow on top.  I follow the crab out and enter the light.  Looking back, the cave seems to be a large rock protrusion out of the ground.  I turn and follow the crab up the mountain.  The snow is beautiful but not cold.  I discover other small crabs.  They appear to be rocks, but then they open and crawl.  God gives me x-ray vision to see inside their little bodies.  They have no organs, just fluid that keeps them alive.  It is Holy Spirit fluid.
