Thursday, July 4, 2013

Heaven on Earth

I have a dream,
That the once undivided Church
     will again join hands.
When Calvinist and Armenian will 
     embrace in love,
And every older brother accept 
     every prodigal.
One day, we will stand.
Confident in our Father's love,
Knowing who we are,
Not defining ourselves by anyone's
     opinion but God's
One day, God's love will be so 
     pervasive in our hearts
That nothing will stand to divide us.
The walls will come down.
The gates will be crushed.
The ground itself will tremble.
When we can hear from the mouths
     of women and children from the
     pulpit, and no one will think it
When Charismatics and Pentecostals and 
     Baptists and Catholics and
     Presbyterians and Methodists can
     have dinner in peace.
We do not have to agree in order to love.
We do not have to believe the same 
     theology to shake the foundations
     of the earth with the Presence
     of God.

What will it look like when leaders and
     followers of every denomination 
     decide to love unconditionally?
What will it look like when women's 
     and children's voices are viewed 
     just as important as men's voices?
I have a dream of an army that marches
I have a dream of a powerful Church 
     filled with love.

It is beginning already.
Many are truly learning of our Father's
     heart of endless benevolence towards
Just as when Nehemiah brought unity to 
     Israel to rebuild the wall, many are
     coming together in love.
The prophet Habakkuk says it well: "For 
     the earth will be filled with the 
     knowledge of the glory of the Lord,
     as the waters cover the sea."
Our Lord Jesus Christ says that love is 
     the most important thing in life.
The apostle John says that God is love.

So many people are afraid of failure in 
But the apostle Paul tells us that love 
     never fails.
One day we will be fearless.
One day we will be so confident in our
     Father's love that we will bring so
     much of heaven to earth that all
     will see: The earth is filled with the
     knowledge of the glory of the Lord!
His people, His family, us:
We will be one.

I can see light pouring in between the 
I can see clear blue-green streams 
     flowing throughout the earth.
I can feel a cool breeze and see trees
     and plants growing everywhere.
The peace of the Lord will rest upon 
     the earth,
And all will see the riches of the 
     Presence of God.


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