Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Day that Death was Conquered

The tomb was shut and sealed
A vigil of a few soldiers stood watch
But a vigil of thousands of soldiers 
     watched from the spirit realm
One of great power and authority
Shining armor emitting spectacular light
With wings spread wide
Descending, slowly
Bolts of lightning surrounding this 
Eyes white with wisdom and fire
Flowing blonde hair that seemed to blow
     from a breeze that earth could not 
A chest plate of bronze with matching 
     gauntlets and boots
But not a bronze of earth or tarnish or
A bronze like a mirror that is so pure and
     vivid that you can see into your soul
     in your reflection
A bronze of great weight
Under the magnificent armor,
A tunic of finest linen
White like glowing snow
Lightning all around
From his eyes to his tunic to his armor
He shone like a white star descending 
     from Heaven
As he descended the earth shook
The ground quaked beneath the presence 
     of such a mighty being
Waves of power could be felt pulsing out
     from the angel
The soldiers of earth gazed upon this 
     spectacular being
And fainted as though they were dead 
The angel touched down on the earth
Raising his hand, he touched the massive
     boulder that sealed the tomb
With only a slight movement of his hand
     on the boulder, 
The stone moved away so quickly it was 
     as if the stone jumped off of the earth
     in which it stood in fear and reverence
     of the angel
Then, behold, Jesus Christ
The Lamb of God, once slain, rose again
An eruption in Heaven and in the spirit 
     realm on earth exploded with cheers, 
     shouts, clapping, trumpets, and 
     praises such as had never happened 
     before or since
The King came forth
The powers of darkness shrieked in terror
Not realizing until now how God had used
     them as pawns in His plan to restore 
Then Jesus, walking out in majesty, shone
     so brightly 
His powerful spirit embodied now in the 
The powers of darkness defeated, trumpets 
     and flutes played such a symphony in
How I long to hear that triumphant roar
     at such an event
The day my Savior conquered death
What a powerful Name it is, the Name of
     Jesus Christ


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