Monday, July 23, 2012

A Torch in a Dark Cave

The greatness of our Lord God
The wonders of His love
Who can contain Him?
He is a consuming fire from above

Nothing can measure His Glory
The expanse of the oceans
Nor the beauty of the mountains
Nor the heights of the heavens

Such a great God we serve!
His eyes burn with passion for us
More than servants, we are friends
We are loved, blessed, and glorious

How could we not be?
The God of eternity
Dwells and burns within us
Coursing through our soul, heart, and body

I have hope that guides me
I have love that drives me
I have faith that keeps me
I have joy that lifts me


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Such a Large New Jerusalem

Such a marvelous bird
Wings of firey orange with eyes
      of crystal blue
A body and head like white diamonds

It emits a heavenly cry
Then bows its head to offer me 
      a ride
Graciously I accept and mount this
      magnificent bird

Straight up we soar
Into the cloudless heavens
We stop at a height thousands of feet
      above the surface

Gazing down, my breath is 
      taken away
Such amazing structures in 
      New Jerusalem

From towering spires to mansions
      of gold
One can hardly take in the endless
      sea of mansions, streets of gold, 
      and rivers of crystal
Off in the distance the Fire burns
      bright from God's dwelling place

I hold tight on the bird's wings as we
      speed up and go out of the main
      part of the city
Rolling hills surround the golden
Out in the country there are many farms
      with all delicious and wonderful
      fruits and vegetables
I can see the orchards and fields with
      passionate saints tending them

Angels fly passed me and give a friendly
A group of people below are playing
      music and dancing
Though God's Throne is back in the city,
      His Presence is so thick in this place
No matter where I go, I feel His firey 
      love igniting my heart and 
      encouraging me to explore.

Anywhere and any time, 
I can speak to God and hear His audible
Such a wonderful Father He is
He loves it when I explore and discover
      hidden treasures in this New 
The endless mysteries of God will fill
      my heart for eternity.


Friday, July 6, 2012

A Raging Fire

What could possibly be more important?
What could move my heart more?
Can anything bring more fire to my spirit?
My wife is pregnant.
God is delivering Heaven to my doorstep

My children, my children
How I would die for you in a heartbeat
Flesh of my flesh
Words from Heaven
Such fire I feel for you!

I feel as though a lion roars from 
         within me
Love, hope, peace, faith, excitement, 
I cannot contain it!
I love them with all that I am!

Perhaps I now know and understand a small
         portion of the violent love burning
         in God's heart for me and you

When our children arrive,
They will meet their mother who has more 
         joy and creativity than all the oceans
         of the world can contain

I believe this burning heart of love
Is to be directed not only towards my wife
         and kids but towards the whole world
Bless God for giving me this passion
Bless God for giving us children
Bless God for loving me first, that I may 
         know what love is
Bless God for accepting me as I am
Glory to God!
