Friday, July 6, 2012

A Raging Fire

What could possibly be more important?
What could move my heart more?
Can anything bring more fire to my spirit?
My wife is pregnant.
God is delivering Heaven to my doorstep

My children, my children
How I would die for you in a heartbeat
Flesh of my flesh
Words from Heaven
Such fire I feel for you!

I feel as though a lion roars from 
         within me
Love, hope, peace, faith, excitement, 
I cannot contain it!
I love them with all that I am!

Perhaps I now know and understand a small
         portion of the violent love burning
         in God's heart for me and you

When our children arrive,
They will meet their mother who has more 
         joy and creativity than all the oceans
         of the world can contain

I believe this burning heart of love
Is to be directed not only towards my wife
         and kids but towards the whole world
Bless God for giving me this passion
Bless God for giving us children
Bless God for loving me first, that I may 
         know what love is
Bless God for accepting me as I am
Glory to God!


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