Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Content Darkness

Black clouds roll into the forefront
Hovering over a dark green ocean
Miles above, light and white clouds
     and sunshine
But riding a meteor to the surface,
An explosion of light
Disrupts the content darkness
The weight stirs
The heaviness growls with an angry frown
But what darkness was ever able to 
     surround and snuff out a light?
Light and darkness cannot
     coexist in the same place
Darkness always retreats
Goes fleeing for the corners
It has to hide because it is weaker
It has to convince others of its power
     because it knows it is weak

The dark clouds part
The ocean turns from dark green to 
     bright blue
The meteor sets the ocean on fire, 
     forcing the darkness to retreat
     farther and farther and farther and farther and farther and farther and farther

This is what light always does to 
Like gravity pulling a meteor towards 
     the surface
Light forces darkness to vanish


Monday, September 29, 2014

The Giant Killer

The fires consume me

I can see the red
The maniacal laugh and malicious
       grins on their faces
The beady eyes
And the fires consume me
Fallen brothers and sisters lay
       beside me
Victims of their own seduction
But beyond the menacing faces
I see warriors on top of a hill
All in armor with battle scars
       and hard faces
Each of them hold the hair of 
       severed, mangled heads of 
       giants they have slain
Some hold many heads
Some have heads piled at their 
Then I notice something
I look at these maniacal faces
       before me
These evil, confident, laughing 
And I imagine wiping off the 
       laughing look and replacing it
       with fear
Then the faces look just like the
       heads at the feet of the 
       champions, my brothers and
Defeated, dead faces that look as
       though they were filled with 
       terror when the sinews
       attaching their head to their
       body were severed
Crescent grins and laughing mouths
Bleeding, mangled, terrified with 
       jaw hanging loose
Beady red eyes filled with victory 
       and malice and sadism
Dead eyes rolled back, yellow 
       with rot

A sister tosses one giant's head at 
       my feet
"You have the power!" she shouts

And the fires consume me

Seeing through red eyes
I do not laugh
I do not smile
Clinching my teeth
The fires consume me
Then, like a volcanic eruption, I
       scream at them in horrific,
       focused anger and terribly 
       purposeful fury
Drawing my sword in a moment,
       the sound of sharp, sliding 
       metal ripples through the air
I charge in a split second
And I see the terror on the face
Moments before I slice off the head
The mangled, bleeding head rolls on
       the ground
I pick it up by the hair and raise it 
Pointing my sword at the others,
       I say "You're next"
The limp body falls to the ground
I swing with deadly accuracy and
       violent rage
When the last giant is slain,
I stand with sword drawn

And the fires consume me

Wild cheers erupt from the hill
I march up the hill to join my 
I look out on the valley below
And see a brother staring at his
I toss one of the heads at his feet
"You have the power!" I shout

And the fires consume him


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dancing with Angels

The fires crawl up the walls
Lightning strikes
Angels stand on top of the ceiling just outside the room
They beat on drums and look on with anticipation
The song builds
Wind courses through my veins
Plants and palm trees are growing out of the floor
The song reaches the chorus and explodes!
The angels jump down into the middle of the floor
They land on beat
Some of them dance a wild dance,
One with a huge sledge hammer is slamming it into the ground and yelling
Fire columns emerge out of the floor
As I sing and dance,
I am overcome by the energy in this place


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Pulled to Safety

The one that cuts through it all
It's the one I want to grab ahold of
Shadows descend
Fires rise
Hail falls 
And heavy rain beats against my
But there is an eye in the middle
     of the storm
There is a peace amidst the chaos
If I could just reach out
If I can lay hold of the 
     outstretched hand
If I can focus with the intensity of 
     the storm around me
Then I can clasp that hand
And be pulled to safety
The interlocking of hands and 
     the bulging muscles
The pulling and the tension
Then I am yanked to safety
So long as I hold on to that hand
I remain safe


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Sunshine of a Thousand Stars

A pink bundle of joy that alters the mood of others
Such purity, such a light spirit
Little white butterflies surround her
Such a curious little genius
Pigtails and a big white hair bow
Those big blue eyes that melt my heart
The giggle that chases away all negative thoughts
Puffy cheeks that beg for kisses
And two front bottom front teeth to complete that glowing 
     smile that makes my eyes tear up


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Golden Lens

Looking into space, I am lost in the 
I am struck by the concept of infinity
While trying to understand that the 
     depths of the universe are shallow 
     compared to the depths of a person's 
Those infinite wells that go deep 
     inside a person
The wonder and beauty of the culture
The colorful dispositions seen in an
And the deep, dark secrets left in the
     far reaches
The nebulas and the black holes 
     unseen by most
And the bright stars burning white hot
Such complexities and value in every


Monday, April 14, 2014

The Hand that Pulls Me

I am shocked by the hand that pulls me
When discouraged and feeling powerless,
You remind me that I am a son of God
And I have resurrection and creation
    power within me
Once again I can see the beauty in other's
And the color in other people's thoughts
Like the rain that falls,
And the earth soaks up its nourishment,
So is every word that proceeds from 
    Your Throne Room
Like a turbine in a dam,
Your water rushes in so I can produce
    electricity for the world
Such hope does Your Hand give me


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Observations in the Spirit

I can see the angels walking around
Armor, helmets, swords, shields,
On the walls, vines with pink and 
     purple rose blooms form
Thorns are absent in this greenhouse
Aromas of a flower garden in spring
Underneath each of Eloise's feet are 
     pools of bright light
I can feel the joy of Heaven on her
Amelia walks with a beautiful cloud
     of flowers and little blue dancing
     lights around her
She leaves behind a trail of bubbles 
     and sparkles as she walks
As the sun shines in, the floor, walls,
     and ceiling act as solar panels and 
     absorb the light
As the sun goes down, light still 
     radiates all around
Various plants sprout out of the ground
My skin is metal, covered in light
     with small flames coming off of it
I can see little butterflies all around
I ask what causes the flowers and 
     greenery to grow
'Worship' is God's reply
There is a bright blue river flowing
     through our entire apartment
There are floating white particles in
     the air and a stillness that grips me


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Match Once Lit

I can feel You in my bones
I can feel Your Presence on me, Jesus
I can feel Your goodness rising up
I can see Your Face
     The fire, the holiness, the purity
The wonder, the glory, the belonging,
     the love that pierces worry and
     melts anxiety
The overwhelming sense that 
     everything will be okay
The fire that envelops
And ignites my bones
So I can burn the world around me
     with a passion that pervades
     the stifling air of boredom and
I am free!


Friday, March 21, 2014

The Artistic Revolution

What happens if we leave passion out of our job?
Show up to work, punch in, punch out,
     go home.
Going through the motions
The cold factory of cogs devoid of art.
We can become marionettes with strings
     we attached to ourselves.
The puppet master called the American Dream
     can pull on the string of a higher 
     standard of living.
But what is a higher standard of living?
Why chase the physical wants of financial
     luxury while forfeiting the need of the
     soul to live with passion in everything
     we do?
We need to bring our art to work.
Whether the craft be connecting with people
     or painting or new business ideas or food,
We must bring a new vitality to the workplace
     with a courage to make things happen.
If you work in a cold factory and feel like
     a replaceable cog, go somewhere that 
     allows you to bring your art that you might
     live with a new fire.


Monday, March 17, 2014

The First Day of Spring

A grace flowing, a peaceful river,
The sun rises along with the flower,
It pours forth its warm rays,
The mountainside is illuminated,
The rolling green hills sway in the breeze,
The wind blows, a soft touch to
     brush the heat off the skin,
A deep, slow inhale,
A satisfied, lingering exhale,
Birds chirp in the distance,
I take your hand as we walk 
     in the grass,
Your dress blowing gently,
Your hair flowing in the wind,
We waltz to the beat of the
The radiant sun warms the earth,
The grass dances,
Not a cloud to be seen,
Blue sky over rolling hills.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Brick, Mortar, and Fire

Brick, mortar, and fire, wind 
and lightning, a churning of hot oil,
a wall building, waves crashing,
rain and hail and lightning, a
boiling up and boiling over,
patient endurance, rushing
wind, holy vengeance, righteous
anger, barbed wire, brick and
mortar and fire, the wall is 
being built, wonder and joy,
a safe place, waves crashing,
hail and rain coming down, pounding
of giant's fists, hammers beating,
cannons firing, brick and mortar
and fire, the wall is built,
an impenetrable wall, guarded by
the eyes of celestial warriors,
guided by the Hand of God,
wonder of wonders, hope and
joy and love, faith like
steel, the mighty, awesome,
wondrous, unspeakable, unshakable,
and unbelievable power of God


Monday, February 24, 2014

A Visitation to Heaven's Library

As I stroll down the halls of glory
I greet Moses as he returns a book to the shelf
I walk past the section labeled Psalms of Heaven
Past the frequented 'Paul's Letters Explained'
I enter the halls labeled 'History'
Strolling through this treasure trove,
A title catches my eye
'Interviews with Michael; Spiritual wars from the perspective of the arch angel'
100 volumes of books interviewing him on spiritual battles
I find that they are written in Hebrew, but I can understand it
Pouring through these elegant, rich books
I can see the world from his eyes

The connection to the Father
A bond that does not wither
The love shared among the ranks
All filled with respect and thanks
Frightening strength and power
Vigilance through the hour
From the first war in heaven
When unity was broken
Through every human war
And all the battles before
Thousands and thousands of years
Passion, love, faith, hope and tears
The clashing of swords and shields
Across the great astral fields
Collisions of light and dark
Directing history's arc
And in the end victory
According to prophecy
The cosmic battle will rage
Until the end of this age
When the new earth and heaven 
Become our home to dwell in


Tuesday, February 11, 2014


In the night sky
Through the clouds and rain
When all lights go out
One will remain

A faithful fire
Spreading and spreading
Through wind, rain, and darkness
A movement growing

Heat beyond the film
That divides our realms
Spiritual flame
That overwhelms

Clearing the path
For God's Presence
The work that destroys 
The gates of darkness


Monday, February 3, 2014

A Touch from His Presence

Wandering through the oceans past
I stumble upon a treasure
What is this here?
What have I found?
Worth simply beyond measure

I have stumbled upon a stone
Deep within the warm sea
Diamond in darkness
Fire within ice
Truth of Ancient discovery

At the bottom of this ocean
Sweetness, such simple sweetness
Currents of hope
Waves of peace
Stumbling in this liquid bliss

I press on, going deeper
I walk through a shining city
Dancing and laughing
A covenant people
These people are so hopeful and free

I walk down a beautiful street
One little house catches my eye
Inscribed on the door
My name in gold
I hold back the urge to cry

I open the door to gaze inside
Golden pools with waterfalls
Hundreds of shelves
Filled with books
Beautiful paintings on the walls

Amelia is holding the paint brush
Looks up from her masterpiece
Our eyes meet
With joyful smiles
We know this grace will never cease.


Friday, January 10, 2014

Some Inquiries from Heaven

Will you do it for love?
Will you abandon reason and risk all?
Will you shut up your religious mindset and love without rules?
Will you look outside your own bubble?
Will you live with such a burning passion that it ignites all of those around you?
Will you jump without a parachute trusting that I will catch you?
Will you do it for faith?
Will you do it for hope?
Will you do it for the Kingdom?
Will you do it for Jesus?
Will you do it for the Blood shed?
Will you do it for the wonder of Heaven?
Will you do it for the lost?
Will you run head first toward a brick wall and know that I will remove the wall before you hit it?
Will you bear My Name though many will ridicule you?
Will you love unconditionally?
Will you forgive those who hurt you and refuse to keep a record of their wrongs?
Will you carry My Presence everywhere you go?
Will you dance and worship to morph the atmosphere into Heaven?
