Monday, February 24, 2014

A Visitation to Heaven's Library

As I stroll down the halls of glory
I greet Moses as he returns a book to the shelf
I walk past the section labeled Psalms of Heaven
Past the frequented 'Paul's Letters Explained'
I enter the halls labeled 'History'
Strolling through this treasure trove,
A title catches my eye
'Interviews with Michael; Spiritual wars from the perspective of the arch angel'
100 volumes of books interviewing him on spiritual battles
I find that they are written in Hebrew, but I can understand it
Pouring through these elegant, rich books
I can see the world from his eyes

The connection to the Father
A bond that does not wither
The love shared among the ranks
All filled with respect and thanks
Frightening strength and power
Vigilance through the hour
From the first war in heaven
When unity was broken
Through every human war
And all the battles before
Thousands and thousands of years
Passion, love, faith, hope and tears
The clashing of swords and shields
Across the great astral fields
Collisions of light and dark
Directing history's arc
And in the end victory
According to prophecy
The cosmic battle will rage
Until the end of this age
When the new earth and heaven 
Become our home to dwell in


Tuesday, February 11, 2014


In the night sky
Through the clouds and rain
When all lights go out
One will remain

A faithful fire
Spreading and spreading
Through wind, rain, and darkness
A movement growing

Heat beyond the film
That divides our realms
Spiritual flame
That overwhelms

Clearing the path
For God's Presence
The work that destroys 
The gates of darkness


Monday, February 3, 2014

A Touch from His Presence

Wandering through the oceans past
I stumble upon a treasure
What is this here?
What have I found?
Worth simply beyond measure

I have stumbled upon a stone
Deep within the warm sea
Diamond in darkness
Fire within ice
Truth of Ancient discovery

At the bottom of this ocean
Sweetness, such simple sweetness
Currents of hope
Waves of peace
Stumbling in this liquid bliss

I press on, going deeper
I walk through a shining city
Dancing and laughing
A covenant people
These people are so hopeful and free

I walk down a beautiful street
One little house catches my eye
Inscribed on the door
My name in gold
I hold back the urge to cry

I open the door to gaze inside
Golden pools with waterfalls
Hundreds of shelves
Filled with books
Beautiful paintings on the walls

Amelia is holding the paint brush
Looks up from her masterpiece
Our eyes meet
With joyful smiles
We know this grace will never cease.
