Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Greatness of You. A Psalm of Lament

I desire that all people would know the 
         greatness in themselves
I long for all to know that they don't have to
         try to be good enough for You

Repent! O you nations!
Turn, all you peoples!

Know that there is glory inside you
Created by the One Who loves you

You are worth more than diamonds
More precious than rubies
More beautiful than sapphires

The treasure within your being
The person you were meant to be
Is worth more than all the riches in the world

You don't know how wonderful you are

You don't know how God's heart 
         leaps at the thought of you
You don't understand that He
         moved mountains for you
You don't understand that He sheds tears for 
         you everyday and every night,
         longing to be with you

But He will not force Himself upon you

He invites you, 
         He waits for you

Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
His heart bleeds for you
         You are why He dances

Did you know?
The thought of you puts a great smile on 
         His face and a wild dance in His feet
Did you know?
There is an uncreated lover beckoning 
         you to Him

Have you heard?
A great King wants to elevate
         to a high position in His royal family

Have you seen?
The beauty of spring
The grace of a flock of birds
The colors in the sunrise
The majesty of the ocean
The greatness of the mountains
The wonder of the stars
The warmth of the sun
The beauty of a blooming flower
The grace of a blue heron
The colors of orange and purple across the
         morning sky
The majesty of the coral reefs
The greatness of the green forests on the
         Appalachian Mountains
The wonder of the shining band of the milky way 
         in the night
The warmth of a summer morning

All created for you

The earth is groaning since the dawn of creation
         for you to become who you were meant
         to be
For you to realize the dreams God has placed upon
         your heart

Will you dare take this journey?
Will you embark on this great adventure 
         of love?
Will you let God honor you?
Will you accept His invitation to a 
         high place of royal honor?
Will you let Him love you?

He gave His Son to die and rise again just so
         would have a chance to be with Him
Will you accept His sacrifice for your sins?
Can you comprehend the vastness of His violent love
         for you?

It is a fire the world cannot comprehend

But you

You were not made in the world
You were a dream of God long ago in heaven

And now you are here.
What will you do with freedom?
Will you throw away His sacrifice?
Or will you drink deeply of the vast,
         living well of goodness from heaven that is 
Will you dive deep into an ocean of
         endless love?
Will you let the King Who has waited for 
         thousands of years
         for you to be born
Will you let Him love you?


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