Monday, April 16, 2012

A City Upon A Hill

I gaze upon the mountain
As the golden sun beams
Bright blue sky with trees 
        all around
The city atop the great mountain
Shining with golden brilliance

Hiking the smooth trail I climb
Til I reach the golden gates
It's pillars shine with pearl white 
Two mighty angels guard the entrance
They smile at my arrival 
Eyes of fire
Swords of steel

The gates open in silent beauty
The courtyard golden brick
With a great fountain springing 
        hundreds of feet into the air

There are guitarists playing
People dancing
Drummers drumming
Poets writing
Singers singing

The floor made of beautifully 
       colored gems
Creating a great picture
Of an orange sunset on a purple sky
A vast courtyard of breathtaking beauty

I venture into the city's interior
Passing wonderful houses
Every one unique
Architecture earth hasn't seen

Climbing up and up
I notice a strange thing
There is no castle peak
No house for the king

The city is simply filled
With beautiful houses
Gardens, rivers, pools
That number in the thousands

A child informs me
Why there is no palace
"We are all one" he says,
"And filled with thankfulness"

"No king need rule here
For we serve but one master
Our great joy and source of life
The loving heavenly Father."


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