Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Vineyards Beyond the Clouds

Long table arrayed in golden splendor
Finest cedar with plates made of diamonds
Gem studded goblets, ruby and sapphire
Grapes, berries, and melons from all seasons

Jesus invites us to sit in our seats
My chair golden, cushion made of linen
I gaze at the wonderful wine and treats
The aromas of plum and cinnamon

I lift my goblet filled with ruby wine
And inhale the most beautiful bouquet
Scents of spice, vanilla, plum so divine
Complexities beyond what I can say

Swirling the dark liquid grown in heaven
My eyes peer into the shifting whirlpool
New colors appear in this concoction
Sapphire, amethyst, heavenly jewel

Slowly taking a drink and overcome
Such intense dark berry, plum, and melon
Then honey, vanilla, and cardamom
Citrus, peach, nutmeg, and then cinnamon

The body feels like a smooth, heavy weight
Gliding across my rejoicing palate
In the middle heaven's spices elate
Pounding my senses like a smooth mallet

Vapors and flavors diffusing as one
Tingling, lifting, and growing sensations
Then comes the finish and I am undone
Such intense power, it could move mountains

Pronounced and developed heavy tannins
With hints of spice, blackberry, and cocoa
Timeless ruby drink of the high heavens
Experience beyond what earth can know


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