Friday, December 16, 2016

Silent Genocide

Such innocence lost
What beauty and what dreams could have been?
What imagination and talent has never been seen?
The silent genocide of a generation
Does no one care?
Does no one lose sleep over this massacre?
Satan's latest tool to murder the children
For more than 40 years
The unborn have had no voice
And we are waist deep in infants' blood
How did Hitler convince the Nazis that Jews should
     be exterminated?
By considering them less than human
How did early settlers convince others that Native
     Americans should relocate?
By considering them less than human
How did 19th century farmers convince each other
     that black people should be slaves?
By considering them less than human
How have Americans been convinced that murdering
     unborn children is acceptable?
By considering them less than human
Perhaps morality will return to our courts
Perhaps the holocaust of little children will one day
Perhaps that time is soon
Until hell's agenda is overturned,
I will not stop praying
Until all of the voices of the devil's advocates are
     cut down,
I will not stop fighting
How many of them would have been my friends?
How many of them could have been world leaders?
Advocates of the devil say it's a woman's right to 
     choose to murder her child
They say the child will not have a good upbringing
Are they God?
What does the child say?



Saturday, November 19, 2016

A Pause in Time

Time slows down as thoughts drift away
The stillness of the day brings a peace like the breeze
I fall into a place where I am held in Your arms
The birds chirp, the wind blows,
As I walk deeper into Your Presence
All of my stress melts like ice on a warm spring morning
Changed to pure water, I drink from the overflow
The sun gazes down and warms my face
I feel my body lift into a peaceful serenity
In this place of zen I meet You,
       face to face

Sitting on this patch of grass,
I meditate in the garden
With a sword I take my thoughts captive
My fears and worries are drowned in love
Your goodness overwhelms me
What can I say?
Your Presence is like a river, 
Slowly washing over me
Pain and sorrow are forgotten until there is only peace
The emptying of one's mind,
And the filling with the Holy Spirit
Here I dwell in silence
Here I am crafted
Here I am molded
Here I fall in love


Monday, September 12, 2016

The Heart of the Father

Swimming in His Presence,
I find myself
Sunlit beams push back the cloudy grey of life
When the dark woods come upon you
And the sorrows, pain, and broken places are too much,
There is always a way out
You are never alone
Come swim in the oceans of His love
Let the weights on your shoulders sink to the bottom of the sea
Turn your gaze to the heavens
Drink in the beauty in the canvas He paints everyday
Let His peace rise up around you like a mist
Let His joy soak your skin
Feel the warm rain drops splash upon you
Let the water of the Holy Spirit fill you with drunken passion
Let the steam that rises from the streets fill your lungs with life
Can you feel it rising?
Hope is alive today
Like a smile that passes from person to person,
So I cannot contain the Lord's joy deep within my bones
Let His joy bring forth the rising of the sun
If you set your gaze on Him, He will part the tall trees of the thick, dark forrest and lead you into the sunlit rolling hills of His grace
Can darkness push back the light?
Can night smother the light of the sun?
What can darkness do when light shines on it?
Darkness is nothing
It has no substance 
It is merely an absence of light
Let the Light of the Father pierce your heart and make your passions come to life
You are worth it to him 
Every dream, purpose, and vision you have for your life matters to God
Every desire, every passion, He wants to see you come alive
Dream with Him
Paint the sky with Him
Let the waterfall of His love wash away shame and fear
Run through the grassy meadows and dance with Him
Shout! Laugh! Cry!
Live with passion
God wants you to come alive and burn brighter and brighter
He loves you more than you can possibly imagine
He has been chasing after you since the day you were born


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Another Trip to Heaven: Dancing on Water

A gentle, invisible hand presses on my heart,
Slowly, gently rocking me back
Then, I fly, traveling upward
Then, I land, and the Spirit invites me to dance
I stand up in the water
Every foot step, every spin, every jump, with every dance move, I splash on top of the deep water
Angels join
A large dragon-like beauty flows seemlessly out of the water and into the air then back again
I can see large, beautiful see creatures in the deep
Water splashes, currents form, waves emanate from my dancing praise 
Wind surrounds me as more angels join
I can see several beautiful islands in the distance
The white puffy clouds overhead
Sunshine from the Throne all around
This will never end
I will get to praise God forever 


Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Power of Art

What dances in my spirit at the stroke of a brush?
Such beauty
Such creativity
Oil and color paints the window into God's heart
Viewing into heaven,
So many thoughts captured in one glance
A lifetime of skill shown in one instant
The creativity of God placed in the skill of man
How many paintings has God made?
The Grand Canyon, the oceans, the mountains, the forrest, the stars, the nebula in space,
What part of the human soul does this awaken?
What deep place in our spirit is moved by art?


Monday, May 16, 2016

Gaps in Time

What happens when the world stops?
When time stands still and everything can be clearly seen?
What could be more important than to pause and enter His Presence?
These gaps in time, these frozen moments,
Can be created
When the candle burns at both ends
And the hands on the clock move faster than the sun
One needs to pause time and walk with God
Look at the stars
Become lost in the vastness of space
Let God's enormity consume you
Drift out of this world and let Him take you into the next


Monday, April 18, 2016

From Glory to Glory

The clouds part
Rays of warm light shine through
Trees sprout up from the ground
They grow tall and have magnificent, green palm leaves
Electric green particles of light float up into the sky and disappear
Angels dance around
With their heavy armor and broad swords
They use their weapons as drums
And dance a wild dance 
Bright, teal waters rush into the room
Small, streaming waterfalls come down the walls
Angels haul barrels filled with glory and dump them into the room
A golden, vibrant liquid pours out
The pooling waters light on fire
And waves of grace overtake me
The fire warms my spirit but does not burn me
His love is so good!
It casts out my fear
As my hands trace through the air, a trail of flourescent blue light is left behind
Green vines grow up and down the walls
The air is thick with God's Prescence 
Such peace...
Such love....
There is nothing better


Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bricks Made of Music

Walking on streets of gold,
I'm amazed at their purity
I hear music all around
People are laughing, dancing
But the gold bricks that compose the road
Seem to be composing something else as well
I bend my ear to the ground
And more music is what I hear!
The gold bricks themselves are making music!
Upon staring at them intently,
They seem to be vibrating as well
It's as if the very bricks themselves are composed of music!
How can music be a physical component of a brick?
God, the great Composer, has created 
        gold bricks made of music and precious metal!
What a beautiful wonder.....


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What is Impossible?

Can it require less effort to move a mountain
       than a small pebble?
If faith were pure, could it be easier than the physical
       effort it requires to lift a small pebble?
Can God be put in a box?
What is impossible with God?
What does the Bible say is impossible with God?
Walking on the bottom of the ocean because
       walls of water miles high were formed?
Breathing in space?
What is impossible with God?
A criminal's heart changing?
Seeing colors that have not been discovered yet?
Lifting a building with your bare hands?
What is impossible with God?



Monday, March 21, 2016

Trying to Define God

Nothing is impossible
Nothing is outside of Heaven's dreams
Look outside the box
See through the box
There is no box


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Bundles of Joy

What do you do when magic enters your home?
When two Words from heaven come
Beauty and wonder and dreams flow freely
Such a marvelous dance of laughter,
     patience, and stress
Who knew that such wonderful bundles of joy
Could cause you to want to collapse?
They are so precious to me
I love them before they have done anything
I love them before they wake
I love them for breathing
I love them for walking
I love them for being my children
