Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Acorns, Monsters, and an Owl

Scaling the tree of safety
The squirrel met an inquisitive owl
"What are you searching for?" he asked
But the squirrel responded with a scowl

"My acorn is out of my reach"
So the owl hooted and flapped his wings
"I believe I can help you with that"
But squirrel would not believe these tidings

So the squirrel strained and tried harder
To acquire his prized possession
Well guarded by bears, wolves, and snakes
Unable to prevent detection

The owl flew near and asked with hope
"May I help you rid of such monsters?"
"Okay," said the squirrel, "But how?"
"Watch and you will see hidden powers."

"Who whoooo!" echoed through the forest
Then thunderclouds gathered in the sky
And lightning bolts struck the ground with force
The monsters' hearts it did terrify

But the wonder of all wonders
Could be seen where lightning had struck
Something mighty rose from the earth
With the speed and force of a large truck

The squirrel was quite astonished
At these wonderful and strange beings
Body of a lion, eyes of fire
A rich flowing mane and eagles' wings

With terrifying speed they ran
They roared and shook the whole earth
The monsters tried to flee in fear
To act upon terror that did birth

But fell before the mighty creatures
No match for such raw power
The squirrel looked on in astonishment
At the wretched beasts' final hour

One gryphon moved with grace
To pick up the squirrel's acorn
He flew to the branch where they sat
New peace within his heart was born

"Thank you!" shouted the astonished squirrel
Holding his acorn, he looked at his friend
"You can always trust me, squirrel"
Then into the sky he did ascend


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

He Sets My World On Fire

I can feel the wind in my hands and the fire in my feet
As I dance, I can feel His Pleasure
A whirlwind of fire, pulsating liquid light explodes from my 
        body like an echo or a ripple in the ocean
The fabric of reality bends as Heaven invades
The thin film between physical and spiritual is broken

Liquid light is poured in to the room, forming pools on the 
Waterfalls of fire rush in
Angels dance around, laughing and singing
A column of fire descends from Heaven, burning the entire 
        room with joy, love, passion, peace, and glory from 


Monday, October 1, 2012

Glorious Breakthrough

Running the race,
I press on
Wind at my back,
Forward unto dawn

The mountain's steep
But I see light
The cold night chill
Turns to delight

Whethering cold
By fire inside
The torrent slows
As I abide

Then breaking forth
On mountain top
Bathed in glory
That will not stop

I praise my God!
My King and my Glory!
My wonderful Savior!
Crowned in majesty!


Praise him from night sky
To breaking dawn!
Praise Him! Praise Him!
All the day long!

Praise Him!  All you peoples praise Him!


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Not Alone

A wind blows
Breath of heaven lift my soul
My heart will rejoice
My God, my love, He will pick me up

What do you do, when all the shattered 
         pieces don't fit together?
When everything you thought would
         come to pass has not?
Jump, and believe He'll catch you
Worship, and know that He is God
         and He is for you
He will pull through
He won't let you fall

God is love
And He will always ever be

I am not alone
You are not alone


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Burning Embers

Today, I'm falling in love
Like a slow burning fire
Crackling in the fireplace

I'm standing on a beach
Feeling the wind blow
My arms stretched to the side, welcoming it
Eyes closed, head tilted upward,
A slow, invisible wave rolls over my body
The sand beneath me
Echos with ripples of fire
God lights my eyes ablaze

I am pulled upwards
Above the clouds
There are lakes, mountains, streams, cliffs, waterfalls, rainbows, a shining sun, mists rising, people dancing, pools flowing, trees growing, grass blowing, angels dancing, saints rejoicing
The King, Jesus, embraces me
It is as if every good and perfect thing He believes about me and all that is in His heart for me is transferred into my being


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Tree in the Oasis

A tree, planted by water
Its leaves fade not
The rain ever falls
Wisely chosen its lot

Such intricate design
From leaf to bark to root
Twisting, curling upwards
Dressed in brown, earthen suit

In spring or summer or fall
In winter, night or day,
Its vivid green deepens
A radiant display

The river nourishes its boughs
An everlasting glory
Producing nutrient fruit
Of which earth is not worthy

A withered man or woman
May approach with confidence
If they should choose the same path
And drink of transcendence

If they should eat of the fruit
They too shall be firmly planted
Nourished, growing, evergreen
The peace they have always wanted


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Mosaic Painted on Every Human Heart

Peering into the darkness
Such a vast expanse with
       depths I cannot fathom
Not a void yet a mystery
So many layers and chambers
A complexity of color
Entering a vast cavern,
I examine intricate patters
       cast on the ceiling
Then exiting through an aperture
I am overjoyed with a grassy meadow
A rainbow on one side
Rain flanking the other
And mountains I could search
And never find an end to all the 
       complexities and wonderful mysteries


Monday, August 20, 2012

A Soul Once Frozen

Lightning strikes the bough,
And burning cinders fall
Like oil splashed on marble
Then sweet water falls
Flames become soil
And flowers spring from the ground

So it is when a wounded soul
       is healed by perfect love


Monday, July 23, 2012

A Torch in a Dark Cave

The greatness of our Lord God
The wonders of His love
Who can contain Him?
He is a consuming fire from above

Nothing can measure His Glory
The expanse of the oceans
Nor the beauty of the mountains
Nor the heights of the heavens

Such a great God we serve!
His eyes burn with passion for us
More than servants, we are friends
We are loved, blessed, and glorious

How could we not be?
The God of eternity
Dwells and burns within us
Coursing through our soul, heart, and body

I have hope that guides me
I have love that drives me
I have faith that keeps me
I have joy that lifts me


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Such a Large New Jerusalem

Such a marvelous bird
Wings of firey orange with eyes
      of crystal blue
A body and head like white diamonds

It emits a heavenly cry
Then bows its head to offer me 
      a ride
Graciously I accept and mount this
      magnificent bird

Straight up we soar
Into the cloudless heavens
We stop at a height thousands of feet
      above the surface

Gazing down, my breath is 
      taken away
Such amazing structures in 
      New Jerusalem

From towering spires to mansions
      of gold
One can hardly take in the endless
      sea of mansions, streets of gold, 
      and rivers of crystal
Off in the distance the Fire burns
      bright from God's dwelling place

I hold tight on the bird's wings as we
      speed up and go out of the main
      part of the city
Rolling hills surround the golden
Out in the country there are many farms
      with all delicious and wonderful
      fruits and vegetables
I can see the orchards and fields with
      passionate saints tending them

Angels fly passed me and give a friendly
A group of people below are playing
      music and dancing
Though God's Throne is back in the city,
      His Presence is so thick in this place
No matter where I go, I feel His firey 
      love igniting my heart and 
      encouraging me to explore.

Anywhere and any time, 
I can speak to God and hear His audible
Such a wonderful Father He is
He loves it when I explore and discover
      hidden treasures in this New 
The endless mysteries of God will fill
      my heart for eternity.


Friday, July 6, 2012

A Raging Fire

What could possibly be more important?
What could move my heart more?
Can anything bring more fire to my spirit?
My wife is pregnant.
God is delivering Heaven to my doorstep

My children, my children
How I would die for you in a heartbeat
Flesh of my flesh
Words from Heaven
Such fire I feel for you!

I feel as though a lion roars from 
         within me
Love, hope, peace, faith, excitement, 
I cannot contain it!
I love them with all that I am!

Perhaps I now know and understand a small
         portion of the violent love burning
         in God's heart for me and you

When our children arrive,
They will meet their mother who has more 
         joy and creativity than all the oceans
         of the world can contain

I believe this burning heart of love
Is to be directed not only towards my wife
         and kids but towards the whole world
Bless God for giving me this passion
Bless God for giving us children
Bless God for loving me first, that I may 
         know what love is
Bless God for accepting me as I am
Glory to God!


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Royal Ambassador

When greatness fills your heart
What are you to do?
Overflow into other's spirits
Water them with heaven's dew

For the words of the wise
Are a wellspring of life
Granting health to the bones
Destroy despair and strife

Believing in people
Honor their abilities
Support their every dream
Expand possibilities

From a place of peaceful rest
A calm amidst the storms
Affecting circumstances
The atmosphere transforms

Bringing the Kingdom to earth
Loving without religion
Relationship over law
Jesus Christ's Great Commission


A Normal Sunday

Ready for fire
I enter the temple
Holy brethren gathered
To enter the next level

Wielding our weapons
Of unseen power
Spiritual and mighty
Making demons cower

Under the marvelous weight
Of Almighty God's Presence
Filling the room with Glory
A wondrous transcendence

The dance releasing hope
The song releasing love
The music releasing joy
Heaven's light from above

The goodness of His Majesty
Shining from within
Pouring out of our hearts
The mysteries of heaven


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Secret Place in the Clouds

Here I lay floating in the sky
The question that burns is why?

Why is God so good to me?
Why am I so filled and free?

The sun shining all around
Birds chirp, such a pleasant sound

The ground so far below
People scurry as trees grow

But up here in the clouds
I fly with different crowds

Geese, herons, and eagles
Chariots manned by angels

God's peace shining so bright
I'll never leave His glorious light


Wednesday, June 6, 2012


There is a holiness in the wind
A subtle breath from heaven
A beauty in the white clouds
The trees feel it

The rocks know it
Creation bends to its sway
Unchanged since the dawn of time
The invisible agent
Comfort in the summer
Chill in the winter

A smooth breeze takes the edge off
         a stifling hot summer day
Like a cold glass of water to a
         parched throat
Soothing aloe on a burn

The breeze of God's Spirit
Such an otherworldly feeling
A supernatural wind
Melting my bones
Filling a well inside me
Opening my eyes
I see armored angels
As a waterfall of honey
Covers my spirit


Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Breath of Fresh Air

One day it happens
You wake up with a thought
Who am I?
What is beautiful in this world?

Pulling the blinds
You see the clear blue autumn sky over red trees
You can hear the cars drive by and kids
         playing in the street
A few light, wispy white clouds hang in the sky
Birds chirp
Squirrels run about
Stepping outside, you take a deep breath

On this morning, no school or work,
         you discover something
Where there is love, all things are beautiful.*


*A quote from the song 'Where there is love'
by Unhindered

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Those Things

The smile of an old friend
The embrace of a brother or sister
A calm, orange sunrise
Waves lapping on the shore
A baby's yawn
My wife's eyes
A forest of green
A funny joke
The peace of the Spirit
Blooming flowers
Dinner with friends
A fun game
A great book
A raise at work
The midnight sky
That cool, crisp spring air that gently blows
An encouraging word
Holding on to every Word God has spoken
Writing poetry
Dancing wildly
A wonderful meal
Fresh mountain air
A rainy day with good company and 
             plenty of games
The handshake of a proud father
Watching someone light up because you
             said or did something kind to them
A smile
Knowledge that everything is going to be


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

With Great Speed

Traversing this land of greatness
I drink in the green forest
Exotic birds of many colors
A shaded floor in which to rest

Lush green grass and flowers
Bushes with delicious berries
And fruit grows in abundance
Hanging from the trees

As I venture farther in
The canopy grows taller
The height of trees increasing
The tops of trees appear smaller

A canopy thousands of feet high
Tree trunks two hundred feet wide
Huge antelope-like creatures
Gallop by my side

One gives an inviting look
I leap fifteen feet high
To mount the giant antelope
Then I see them draw nigh

Other saints mounted on antelopes
Such a beautiful cavalry
Arrayed in such vibrant colors
Traveling lightly and swiftly

Then we ride towards a clearing
Where all we can see is sky
The ground then ends abruptly
We leap off the ledge and fly

Down, faster, down the cliff
The largest cliff I've ever seen
I can see the ground miles below
A vast sea of blue and green

The wind blowing furiously
As we travel at such great speed
Waterfalls to my left and right
Fish swim up and down as they need

After a long, long descent
We finally reach the ground
The difference is striking
And I hear a beautiful sound

The birds sing such sweet melodies
Flying so fast in great flocks
The trees short with many branches
I see a great beast like an ox

The ground covered in tall daisies
With many rivers flowing
Little animals scurry about
In this land with joy abounding


Friday, May 4, 2012

But a Taste

A moment in time
Splits the universe
A rift in the darkness
Lifting me, drawing me like a vortex
Entering this rift
Colors become extravagant
More vibrancy than I've ever seen
Angels dancing
Joy burning like wildfire
Golden streets
Clouds of glory
Wonder, awe, and power
An utterly bottomless well of peace

Time stops with my memory
As I traverse this rainbow bridge
The stars are so bright
I enter that beautiful room
White light all around
Twenty four elders
Cherubim and Seraphim
A glorious throne
Love that reaches deep
Deep within my spirit
Moved from the depths of who I am
Why would I ever want to leave?


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Twisting Fires

Two lovers from heaven
One heart beating before time
An idea risen
From oceans it did climb

For God knew you before
In His ocean of passion
His lavish love He did pour
Into your heart's inscription

Married, joined, united
Two spirits entwined
Each the other's beloved
A priceless, eternal find

Unity breathed in fire
To shake earth's foundations
To pull hearts from the mire
To form new creations

People will look in awe
At the love you carry
God's Spirit without flaw
Setting their hearts free

You will show people
The dreams inside their heart
Earth shaking yet simple
Revealing their own art

Your love transcends the heavens
Is felt by God constantly
Every day it brightens
As it grows into a tree


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Orchards

Come with me on a walk
Through lush orchards abounding
Where the most wonderful fruit grows
And birds can be heard singing

Come with me through green fields
Until we reach the grove
With the most delicious fruit
A delectable treasure trove

Let us run, now fast
In the bright noon sun
With the wind in our face
As we jog, skip, and run

Endless hills of grass
Lead to the great orchard
Where the fruit has such rich texture
Let us run faster, onward!

There they are!
The fields of goodness and wonder
Let us pick a bushel of apples
And eat them while sitting under

The canopy that shades our picnic
As the squirrels come to see
Birds and animals gather
From a rabbit to a chickadee

The lions and sheep come
To join our excursion
Then bears and deer too
All sit with expectation

We toss some fruit to each
And we all eat in peace
Enjoying each other's company 
Joyful love that does not cease


Monday, April 16, 2012

A City Upon A Hill

I gaze upon the mountain
As the golden sun beams
Bright blue sky with trees 
        all around
The city atop the great mountain
Shining with golden brilliance

Hiking the smooth trail I climb
Til I reach the golden gates
It's pillars shine with pearl white 
Two mighty angels guard the entrance
They smile at my arrival 
Eyes of fire
Swords of steel

The gates open in silent beauty
The courtyard golden brick
With a great fountain springing 
        hundreds of feet into the air

There are guitarists playing
People dancing
Drummers drumming
Poets writing
Singers singing

The floor made of beautifully 
       colored gems
Creating a great picture
Of an orange sunset on a purple sky
A vast courtyard of breathtaking beauty

I venture into the city's interior
Passing wonderful houses
Every one unique
Architecture earth hasn't seen

Climbing up and up
I notice a strange thing
There is no castle peak
No house for the king

The city is simply filled
With beautiful houses
Gardens, rivers, pools
That number in the thousands

A child informs me
Why there is no palace
"We are all one" he says,
"And filled with thankfulness"

"No king need rule here
For we serve but one master
Our great joy and source of life
The loving heavenly Father."


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Vineyards Beyond the Clouds

Long table arrayed in golden splendor
Finest cedar with plates made of diamonds
Gem studded goblets, ruby and sapphire
Grapes, berries, and melons from all seasons

Jesus invites us to sit in our seats
My chair golden, cushion made of linen
I gaze at the wonderful wine and treats
The aromas of plum and cinnamon

I lift my goblet filled with ruby wine
And inhale the most beautiful bouquet
Scents of spice, vanilla, plum so divine
Complexities beyond what I can say

Swirling the dark liquid grown in heaven
My eyes peer into the shifting whirlpool
New colors appear in this concoction
Sapphire, amethyst, heavenly jewel

Slowly taking a drink and overcome
Such intense dark berry, plum, and melon
Then honey, vanilla, and cardamom
Citrus, peach, nutmeg, and then cinnamon

The body feels like a smooth, heavy weight
Gliding across my rejoicing palate
In the middle heaven's spices elate
Pounding my senses like a smooth mallet

Vapors and flavors diffusing as one
Tingling, lifting, and growing sensations
Then comes the finish and I am undone
Such intense power, it could move mountains

Pronounced and developed heavy tannins
With hints of spice, blackberry, and cocoa
Timeless ruby drink of the high heavens
Experience beyond what earth can know


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My Garden of Worship

Energy coursing in green
A ring of growth and birth
Colors so lush to be seen
Trees, gardens, and flowers
Rich shrubs are encircling

A grassy shaded meadow
Vegetables, fruits and squirrels
I dance in the trees' shadow
Birds chirping sweet melodies
Open space where grasses grow

Sun shining through the morning mist
A rainbow in the heavens
This garden the daylight kissed
As I worship Jesus here
Presence I cannot resist

His love courses through the trees
And the bushes shout His Name
Rabbits, spiders, and the bees
Weaving webs and honeycombs
Timeless artists in the trees

A free, wild, worship dance
Warrior angels circle
To join in the romance
As heaven invades the earth
As fire ignites the plants

Burning bushes all around
Rivers overflowing
Creation dances to the sound
Bodies and Spirits alike
To joy springing up from the ground


Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Discovery without Time

A never ending expanse
A gloriously deep romance
Trumpets of angels sound
Light and majesty abound
Never closing pearl gates
An army of angels awaits
The river of life flowing
Shining waters slowing
Draining into the lake
What only God could make
Beautiful fish and coral reef
Tropical colors beyond belief
Light from above and from below
Colors surpassing earth's rainbow
Gliding across the lake I inhale
Leaving a rippling, warm trail
Surfing barefoot and boardless
Traveling into openness
Rapid acceleration
Timeless joy and elation
Liquid light and holiness
An ocean of happiness
Magnificent fish appear
Into the waters I peer
The sea as clear as the sky
It seems I'm miles high
Above the visible ocean floor
Endless creation to explore
God's Presence so thick in this place
I can feel His warm embrace
A school of heavenly creatures 
With odd, beautiful features
Swim rapidly to the surface
Beauty leaving me speechless
A tornado of colors
Breaks the surface waters
And fly like birds through the air
Twisting column of fire and flare
Plunges back into the sea
Temporary canopy
They rush back into the depths
Twirling down like winding steps
Enticed, I follow them down
Impossible to drown
I breathe in the liquid light
As I continue in flight
Like a torpedo I shoot
To discover the oceans' root
What awaits I can barely explain
Cities across a vast plain
Farms, gardens, and vineyards
Civilization beyond words
Saints dancing in large circles
Like moving white hot coals
They smile and invite me
Undersea community
So I dance underwater
Passionate steps without falter
I decide to remain here
For well beyond a year
I long to know all their stories
To hear of all their glories
To know this heavenly culture
With rich past, present, and future


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Greatness of You. A Psalm of Lament

I desire that all people would know the 
         greatness in themselves
I long for all to know that they don't have to
         try to be good enough for You

Repent! O you nations!
Turn, all you peoples!

Know that there is glory inside you
Created by the One Who loves you

You are worth more than diamonds
More precious than rubies
More beautiful than sapphires

The treasure within your being
The person you were meant to be
Is worth more than all the riches in the world

You don't know how wonderful you are

You don't know how God's heart 
         leaps at the thought of you
You don't understand that He
         moved mountains for you
You don't understand that He sheds tears for 
         you everyday and every night,
         longing to be with you

But He will not force Himself upon you

He invites you, 
         He waits for you

Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
His heart bleeds for you
         You are why He dances

Did you know?
The thought of you puts a great smile on 
         His face and a wild dance in His feet
Did you know?
There is an uncreated lover beckoning 
         you to Him

Have you heard?
A great King wants to elevate
         to a high position in His royal family

Have you seen?
The beauty of spring
The grace of a flock of birds
The colors in the sunrise
The majesty of the ocean
The greatness of the mountains
The wonder of the stars
The warmth of the sun
The beauty of a blooming flower
The grace of a blue heron
The colors of orange and purple across the
         morning sky
The majesty of the coral reefs
The greatness of the green forests on the
         Appalachian Mountains
The wonder of the shining band of the milky way 
         in the night
The warmth of a summer morning

All created for you

The earth is groaning since the dawn of creation
         for you to become who you were meant
         to be
For you to realize the dreams God has placed upon
         your heart

Will you dare take this journey?
Will you embark on this great adventure 
         of love?
Will you let God honor you?
Will you accept His invitation to a 
         high place of royal honor?
Will you let Him love you?

He gave His Son to die and rise again just so
         would have a chance to be with Him
Will you accept His sacrifice for your sins?
Can you comprehend the vastness of His violent love
         for you?

It is a fire the world cannot comprehend

But you

You were not made in the world
You were a dream of God long ago in heaven

And now you are here.
What will you do with freedom?
Will you throw away His sacrifice?
Or will you drink deeply of the vast,
         living well of goodness from heaven that is 
Will you dive deep into an ocean of
         endless love?
Will you let the King Who has waited for 
         thousands of years
         for you to be born
Will you let Him love you?


The Goodness of God. A Psalm of Praise

O God of gods, Lord of lords,
Who is like You?
Who can tame the seas with their hand?
Who can move mountains with a thought?
You are so mighty, O God
You rule the heavens
You are my fire
You stir a deep well in my soul that flows 
            through my being
You ignite every cell in my body

When my heart sleeps
And my bones are dry
You fill me with strength so 
            I can fly
You lift me up so I have the
            strength to move mountains

Your grace is why I enjoy my day

I wish that every soul
I wish that every spirit
Would experience the engulfing 
            flood of goodness from heaven that is 
            Your love
I ask that You would open the eyes of every person
Every being
Every heart
To know Your goodness
To look into Your eyes
To feel Your beauty
To hear Your Voice

For You are good


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Righteous Ruler

A king walks into the throne room
Knights lined up for his entry
Men who fight for his majesty
Attention at his entrance they assume

He strides in his glory
The righteous ruling king
Of him the people sing
Compassion marks his story

Eyes of a protective lion
A studious mind
A heart that is kind
A leader reborn in Zion

His morning prayer burns in heaven
An incense rising
His praises and blessing
To the King of Kings are given

He dances before God's Throne
Fearless in worship
Knowing his son-ship
The glory of God in his eyes shone

Generosity a river
Flowing from his heart
Gives orphans a new start
And widows a hopeful answer

Such thoughts abound in number
Inspiring his knights 
As he passes torch lights
Down the hall of his royal chamber

Then his eyes ablaze look
Upon his desire
The one who lights his fire
Long ago his heart she took

His bride among brides on earth
Standing beside the throne
Depth of love unknown
Connection of immeasurable worth

For her he would move mountains
His royal dancing queen
Her eyes and robes shining
She can shake the earth's foundations

As he sits upon his throne
And gazes down the hall
Thinks of his royal call
His heart the people do own
